Books change children's lives... for good!

Books change children's lives... for good!
The Book Fairy Pantry Project is a grassroots family literacy movement.
Books change children's lives... for good!
The Book Fairy Pantry Project is a grassroots family literacy movement.
“Illiteracy is a disease of poverty. The way out of poverty is literacy.
The currency of literacy is children’s books.” — Pam Leo
Find instructions and extensive materials to support your local literacy quest with BFPP.
Children use their story log to record the books read, or stories told to them by family, teachers or friends.
Can your family find 100 places in your community to read a book or a chapter before the fall?
Meet Pam Leo, Connection Parenti & Please Read To Me author, and BFPP founder.
About the Book
Please Read To Me is a multicultural, bilingual book that shows parents, grandparents, siblings, and caregivers the joys and benefits of bonding with babies and young children by reading to them. Featuring beautiful illustrations donated by Maine artists, the story is a child's plea for love and literacy. The rhyming text makes it fun to read aloud and young children enjoy the humorous and bright illustrations that reveal the whole story.
In addition to being an ideal birth and baby shower gift, Please Read To Me is a dynamic family literacy advocacy tool. The board book version ofPlease Read to Me was a recipient of two Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation grants and was distributed to Maine babies and children in 2021 and 2023. Find your free poster and family literacy resources at All sales of this book support family literacy through the Book Fairy Pantry Project, a nonprofit initiative of Kindred World.
Now available in bookstore everywhere.
Support Pam's nonprofit work, and receive a discount, by purchasing Please Read To Me directly from her.
Buy Through International Booksellers:
Read a letter from Pam Leo about the book on Kindred Magazine.
Pam Leo, author of Connection Parenting and Please Read To Book Fairy Pantry Project founder.
Enjoy Your Free Poster!
The beauty of this 8 1/2 x 11" free poster is that parents can read the message in the words, and children can “read” the message in the pictures. Think of Please Read To Me as a geocaching guide for literacy!
The Book Fairy Pantry Project is the proud recipient of a $25,000 grant from the Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation. The grant is supporting the distribution of BFPP’s founder, Pam Leo, and her first children’s book, Please Read To Me. Leo is also the author of the beloved book Connection Parenting.
“This goal of this campaign to lower the high risk for illiteracy of babies born to under-resourced families in Maine who often cannot afford board books for their new babies and may be unaware of the value and importance of reading to their babies early and often,” said BFPP founder, Pam Leo. “Without books in the home from the very beginning, parents are unable to give their babies the strong foundation they will need for one day learning to read and they will miss opportunities to strengthen their vital parent-child bond through reading to their babies.”
Pam Leo, BFPP's founder, shares the latest updates and insights into the many projects the community! literacy and bonding initiative. "We bring the magic!" Pam shares.
Thank you for your interest in brining the magic of literacy activism to your community through the Book Fairy Pantry Project. Please support our nonprofit work with you donation! BFPP is an initiative of the award-winning nonprofit, Kindred World. Read some of our five-star reviews here.
☆ One child in four in the U.S. does not learn to read.
☆ The number one indicator that children will be ready to learn to read when they arrive at school is age appropriate children's books in their home and being read to daily from birth on.
☆ ⅔ of the 15.5 million children living in poverty in the U.S. do not have even one book to call their own.
☆ There is no shortage of gently used, quality books in this country, only a shortage of redistribution of these books.
The Book Fairy Pantry Project is a grassroots family literacy movement. This project will be implemented by the people, for the people. Volunteer book fairy helpers will collect new and gently used, quality children’s books from donation boxes and book drives and deliver them to participating food pantries and WIC offices to be given out to parents.
"Virtually none of the major issues we face as a nation today can be successfully overcome until we eradicate illiteracy."
—Michelle and David Baldacci, Wish You Well Foundation
"My daughter told me about your wonderful organization, the Book Fairy Pantry Project, and having recently retired I knew that this would be something I'd like to do. I started collecting books in August and within a month 3,000 books stood proudly in my garage. I have partnered with Renewal Food Bank and Jubilee Reach, food banks that serve hundreds of folk each week, Life Wire that supports abused women and their children, and I'm excited to be starting with Mary's Place (5 locations) that support homeless families.
"The last three months have been so special and I can't thank you enough for filling my days and my heart with this wonderful opportunity. The materials have been so helpful and it's been an honor to represent the BFFP. Thank you for the wonderful and inspiring work you do." - C. Wes
Read more five-star reviews on our Great Nonprofits' page.
Discover the artwork of the BFPP and Please Read to Me on a variety of clothing, totes, home goods, and accessories in our Cafe Press store! Your purchases support our grassroots early literacy nonprofit work!
By Pam Leo
Wee fairies each have jobs to do.
The Book Fairy's job is to get books to you.
And to ALL the world's children,
not to just a few.
Books are very heavy,
even ones that are quite small.
A wee fairy cannot carry them
'cause she is only five inches tall!
The Book Fairy needs "helpers,"
grownups short and tall,
to get books to children who love them,
and to children who have none at all.
The Book Fairy really needs you.
The children need you too.
If there are to be books for EVERY child,
we have a big job to do.
Don't disappoint the fairies.
That would never do.
If ALL the children are to learn to read,
it is up to me and you.
Copyright by Pam Leo, 2016. All Rights Reserved.
"The Circle of literacy can end the cycle of illiteracy."
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The Book Fairy Pantry Project is an initiative of the award-winning nonprofit Kindred World.